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Keys and Accounts

1. Sign up to Truss

Sign up for an account on the Truss website, enter your details, and select CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT.

To activate your account, verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.

2. Configure your API key

Once verified, you’ll be taken to the Truss dashboard where you can configure your auto-generated API key.


Truss will automatically generate the My First Key API key for you.

3. Send requests

Use the API key when sending requests. The following examples interact with the Truss network by sending requests using HTTP.

  • Replace YOUR-API-KEY with your own unique API key.

Use a tool such as the Client Uniform Resource Locator (curl) or Postman to make requests. We recommend using Postman if you're a Windows user.

3.1 Search products

Retrieve the 2 most recently added security products:

  curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authentication: YOUR-API-KEY" \
--data '{
"category": "Malware",
"startDate": 1716773365530,
"limit": 2

You'll receive a response similar to:

"response": {
"$metadata": {
"httpStatusCode": 200,
"attempts": 1,
"totalRetryDelay": 0
"Count": 2,
"Items": [
"id": "01HQ8XD8S0V8QVXE8AY2ZY78DZ",
"version": 0,
"latestVersion": 0,
"timestamp": 1716773365036,
"title": "opendir_AbuseCH-URLhaus_02/21/2024",
"author": [
"type": "Indicator",
"category": "Malware",
"source": "",
"reference": [
"tags": [
"industry": [],
"region": [],
"indicators": {
"URL": [
"indicatorsHash": "5234d9c9a0ec1c8b26cdafc8f912e32aa4c97456ab830ee9b3af8d1640ef680c",
"validators": [],
"downloads": -1,
"rating": -1
"id": "01HQ8XD8WS10ZD6MJ2691JEJJZ",
"version": 0,
"latestVersion": 0,
"timestamp": 1716773365092,
"title": "Rhadamanthys_AbuseCH-URLhaus_02/21/2024",
"author": [
"type": "Indicator",
"category": "Malware",
"source": "",
"reference": [
"tags": [
"industry": [],
"region": [],
"indicators": {
"URL": [
"indicatorsHash": "9924d29ac83e2657b3f7d52b53f630199f3f9de17ba6fcc59df4e3b983169436",
"validators": [],
"downloads": -1,
"rating": -1
"LastEvaluatedKey": {
"GSI2PK": "Malware",
"SK": "VER#0",
"GSI2SK": 1716773365092
"ScannedCount": 2

4. View your project stats

From the Stats page of the Truss dashboard, you can view real-time statistics about your API usage. Optimize your app and better understand your users by reviewing your API request stats regularly.

5. Manage your account

Find additional settings in Settings to manage your account. You can:

  • Set notifications for daily limits from the Account option.
  • Manage your billing information in the Billing option.
  • Manage shared API keys in the Key Sharing option.