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Truss API Overview

Security Products

Truss is dedicated to delivering the latest security data and actionable intelligence from across the globe. The Truss network offers a means for security experts worldwide to share and access the latest security data. Truss further simplifies the sharing process by providing a secure and easy to use API.

Truss connects organizations to the security data they need, precisely when they need it, offering a dynamic and responsive approach to threat intelligence.

Truss API

At the heart of Truss is its Security API. The API also called a Remote Procedure Call (RPC), provides users with access to an extensive repository of continually populating security data and intelligence.

The Truss API allows users to query for and extract data from the Truss platform programatically and use that data in their security tools. It also allows for the creation of custom applications that can be used to query Truss more frequently, enabling your security tools to remain up to date with the security data you care about in near real-time.

Truss Products

Truss Products are collect security data that is uploaded to the Truss platform and returned to requesting users via the Truss RPC.

The following fields are returned for each product:

  • id: The unique identifier for the product.
  • version: The version of the product. If the same security product is updated over time, the version will increment.
  • latestVersion: The latest version of the product.
  • *timestamp: The timestamp of when the product was created in the Truss database.
  • *title: The title of the product.
  • *author: The authors of the product.
  • *type: The type of the product. Currently, the only type is "Indicator".
  • *category: The category of the product.
  • *source: The source of the product.
  • *pubDate: The publication date of the product.
  • *reference: The reference URLs of the product.
  • *tags: The tags associated with the product.
  • *industry: The industries associated with the product.
  • *region: The regions associated with the product.
  • *indicators: The indicators associated with the product.
  • *contributor: The security team or individual that contributed the product.

*These fields can be used as query parameters within both the Truss RPC and the Truss Dashboard, allowing for flexible and powerful data filtering capabilities.

Getting Started

Navigation Tips

  • Start with basic date-based queries
  • Explore different filter combinations
  • Use the API documentation as reference
  • Test queries with small date ranges first

Best Practices

  • Always include error handling
  • Cache responses when appropriate
  • Use pagination for large datasets
  • Keep your API key secure

The Truss API is your gateway to accessing comprehensive security intelligence data, enabling you to make informed decisions and protect your organization effectively.